Saturday, May 21, 2011

Percy A. Margeson - The original owner of Cedar Crest

Chronicle Herald, Monday January 23, 1961  page 6

Percy A. Margeson Dies in Kentville

Kentville - Percy A. Margeson, C.A., 71, a former druggist and for 23 years , prior to his retirement in 1955, pharmacist and accountant at the Nova Scotia Sanatorium, but most widely known throughout the Maritimes as former manager of Kentville Wildcats Hockey team, died suddenly at his home here Saturday.

Son of the late Norris Margeson, former Dominion Atlantic Railway conductor, and Sophia (Fitch) Margeson, both of Kingston, he was born in Halifax. Mr Margeson received his degree in pharmacy from the University of Toronto and later also graduated as a Chartered Accountant. He opened a drugstore here in 1912 which he operated for eighteen years.

A musician of some note, he played in the Kentville Citizens Band with his father. He was also a talented pianist. Although he never participated as a player in hockey, he took over the managership of the Kentville senior team and christened it the "Wildcats", the name which has continued ever since in both senior baseball and hockey. In 1927 the club which he had assembled won the Maritime Hockey Championship.

At his home at the top of Prospect Avenue he assisted Mrs Margeson in the operation of the widely-known Cedar Crest Kennels, and they later organized the Annapolis Valley Kennel Club. In 1933, Mr Margeson joined the staff of the Nova Scotia Sanatorium as both pharmacist and accountant. He retired five years ago on super-annuation. Continuing his active life, Mr Margeson built and operated the "Arlene" apartments, Prospect Ave.

He is survived by his wife, the former Eulalie Arlene Davis of Lincoln, Maine, who is an internationally known dog judge.

Funeral services to be conducted by Dr. George N. Hamilton, pastor Kentville United Baptist Church, will be held from the W.C. Hiltz and Son Funeral Chapel at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Interment will be in Elm Grove Cemetery, Kentville.


  1. CedarCrest Pekingese were known on a global scale. They imported some of top lines from the UK - and also bred/imported English Toy Spaniels.

    The Margesons were prominent and important contributors to the history of dogs in Atlantic Canada.

    Sadly in the region many of the great names in the sport of dogs are not noted in the overall histories and at a great loss to the breeds in which they were involved and a greater understanding of the important role that dog sports once held.

    V. Brideau

    1. Thanks so much for your comments. We bought this property a little over a year ago and adopted the former name of Cedar Crest. We own two Aussie Shepherds but do not plan to become breeders (plus they're both male and neutered so...) We've been busy with renovations but are always interested in learning more about the history of this grand property. It's fantastic to learn that the Pekingese that were bred here were so well known. It was only when we had to redo the basement that we removed the old original incubators we were told Mrs. Margeson used to keep sick puppies in. We were also told that she stopped breeding when Distemper wiped out all her breeding stock. We're not sure when (or if) it happened but that's one of the stories were heard. We will certainly update our blog from time to time as we find more information like this. Thanks again for your interest. Cheers.

  2. Hi Scott

    Is it possible to contact you offline?

  3. Hi Valerie. Certainly. You can reach me at my office at (902)679-7443. I teach at a community college so if I'm in class when you call please leave a message and I'll call you back. I look forward to hearing from you.
