Saturday, August 3, 2013

Outdoor kitchen is a hit!!

Here are some pictures of our first Pizza Party with the wood-fired pizza oven. Except for a bit of landscaping and some plantings and 6 back-ordered outdoor light fixtures (that will be here and installed in a couple weeks), we are officially proclaiming the deck project....FINISHED!!!

Mike checks the fire before beginning
The first meal from the new oven - corn on the cob roasted in the husks. Very good.
Then he brought the oven up to temperature for pizza. As you can see, 771.5 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature a pizza cooks in about 2 minutes.
Prep begins for the first pizza. Ashlee was the designated sous chef.
The first pizza. Check out the video below to see it when it emerged.
Our first design flaw. It never occurred to us to have lighting for the kitchen area. Luckily the headlamps that we use for snow shoeing worked just fine.