In our ongoing quest to determine the age of Cedar Crest we've managed to come across lots of other information. While trying to find some more info on Percy Margeson and his wife, Eulalia, we discovered that they were actually married in Maine ,USA, on Sept. 21, 1916. This made sense since she was originally from Maine. At this time we haven't located the name of the town where they were married but it was a great help finding the date. We know, from the stamp on the blueprints, that Leslie Fairn's architectural firm was located in Aylesford from 1904-1932. We'll assume that Cedar Crest was built after Percy and Eulalia's wedding in 1916. So, this helps us narrow it down a little bit more.
We've also been told that the dogs that Eulalia raised at Cedar Crest were Pekingese.
We have also discovered that friends of ours, Jerry and Lesley Hardy, also live in a Leslie Fairn home here in Kentville. Their house was built circa 1932-33 so it may be one of the last homes he designed while working out of Aylesford or one of the first designed from his firm in Wolfville (where he moved in 1932).